News / Blog
Find out what’s happening at our four companies — V&S Schuler Engineering, V&S Schuler Tubular Products, V&S Capital Steel, and V&S Whitlow Electric.
Utilities Group Adds Company, Moves in New Direction
V&S Schuler Utilities Group acquired Capital Steel Service LLC in Trenton, New Jersey, on January 5, expanding our operations and giving us a strong presence in the Northeast as the U.S. [...]

Our four fabrication facilities all hold AISC certification. Multiple quality inspections are performed throughout the fabrication process, and our fitters and welders are certified to shop and AWS standards. Management at each of our facilities continuously looks for ways to make improvements that ensure we meet the highest standards.

Steel & Component Packaging
We fabricate steel and aluminum at our facilities, galvanize steel in-house, and supply all the associated specified electrical components. V&S Schuler also has the capability to design structures and associated foundations, provide electrical high voltage design and furnish associated electrical arrangement drawings.

Galvanizing & Other Protective Coatings
Our sister company, V&S Galvanizing, has nine plants throughout the Midwest and East Coast, providing the most cost-effective corrosion protection technology for structural projects across the United States. All plants have three shifts running daily and a fleet of trucks for round-trip delivery services, making “no wait” galvanizing possible for our customers

Modified Erecticon
Modified Erecticon is a system of standardized welded members with related fittings that act as building blocks for substations. All bolt holes are punched on 3″ centers allowing for an exact fit as well as interchangeability. This system also allows for easy expansion later, eliminating the need to cut off existing plates, drill new holes or weld additional members.

On-Time & Organized Delivery
Our shipping departments will work with you to make sure your delivery is received in the manner you specify.

Transmission & Distribution Structures
V&S Schuler has been supplying transmission and distribution towers to the electrical utility for more than 80 years. Since 1994, we’ve also offered tapered pole structures.

Wood / Steel Equivalents
V&S Schuler specializes in wood pole equivalents and masts. When replacing an existing distribution line or erecting a new one, tapered steel poles are the best choice because of longevity, price, maintenance costs and the long spans they can support. We have an extensive catalog of wood pole equivalents and masts that we can provide quickly and at a lower overall cost than wood.

V&S Schuler supplies a full line of gratings for platforms, substation pits and staircases. Regardless of the project, we can provide customized steel or aluminum grating. We also fabricate and supply railings for stairs and other structures.

Anchor Bolts & U-Bolts
We supply a full line of anchor bolts and U-bolts for securing your structural and/or tubular steel to its foundation.
All the bolts and hardware meet ASTM and AASHTO specifications.

Warehouse / Storage
Each of our facilities has enough space to stage your material until you’re ready for it. Let us know if your job site isn’t quite ready for your material. We’ll work with you to provide a lay-down area for your steel and warehouse storage for your substation electrical components.